The Holsteiner Horse Association of Australia was first formed in 1975 after the importation from Germany of several Holsteiner stallions which included Flaneur, Romedio, Wildfeuer and Talisman. In the early eighties Contact and Falkland arrived and together these stallions formed the Foundation Sires of our Association.
It is the aim of this Association to register and promote Holsteiner horses in Australia and to lay down breeding guidelines for breeders to follow. In the short space of time Holsteiners have been in this country their influence has been outstanding. We have seen Talkind and Colleen Brook represent us overseas in Showjumping and Close Encounters and Jadalco (Imp now exp) performed well on the World Cup circuit, as well as several talented young horses who are rapidly rising through the ranks including Jeff Bloomfields mount Williamsburg and David Dobson's Supanova and Kelly Anne Crowes Too Red as well as the Noblewood Park imports Collins, Cantara, Carlotta and Lidwina.
In the dressage world an early Flaneur stallion Condor went to Prix St George, Isle of Hinton and Snowview Romboli competed at Grand Prix and on a National level horses such as Barrabadeen Troubadour (Aust. Champ Prix St George) and HRH (starting at Inter I and II) are waved the Holsteiner flag.
It is the aim of the Association to produce a horse who is well balanced, 16 to 17hh with round generous strides and natural elastic movement. We seek to produce a bold willing horse which is physically and mentally able to perform at a level of excellence in the modern sport horse disciplines. We at the moment have over 1500 horses registered with us and many licensed stallions and with the importation of frozen semen becoming so popular we can see the fame and success of the Holsteiner horse really excelling in the years to come. There are many talented young horses out there so watch out for the Holsteiner bred horses in the years to come or, even better, why don't you experience one yourself!