It is the task of this Association to register and classify the progeny of both mares and stallions that are registered with us. This is done through a series of stages over three to five years.
Firstly a foal is recorded and registered with the Association. This is usually done by the breeder in the first six months of the foal’s life.
Between the ages of three and five, a horse can then be classified. We view Classification as a way of progeny testing both mares and stallions and a way of monitoring the development of the breed and maintaining its standards and aims.
Classifications take place in each state usually once yearly, sometimes in conjunction with a show or national mare class. After classification, horses are placed into their appropriate stud book and branded with the Association brand.
The process of classification is similar to that of a led class at a show. Horses are looked at standing for a static conformation assessment and then in hand at the walk and trot. We then like to see them move free as well. There is also a free jumping and ridden option.
There are three classifiers who judge the horse independently and then their scores are averaged to provide a final score to place your horse in a studbook. To pass the Classification your horse must receive at least a score of 5 out of 10 in each category and by each Classifier. After your horse passes, they are then eligible to be branded on the day with the Association brand and will then receive your horse’s final scores and Adult classification papers.